Hiakan'ny ala
This is an interactive event geared toward local villagers living near the Complex Torotorofotsy-Ihofa, in eastern Madagascar to learn more about rainforest biodiversity and ecosystem services, and to raise awareness about biodiversity conservation.
Biodiversity information
Each week, we share important knowledge on malagasy biodiversity via our social network account to raise the general public awarness. Each week cover different topics choosed by our members based on their area of interests.
World Lemur Day 2020
Kahoot Trivia game
With the covid-19 pandemic, we were not able to hold a physical event for the celebration of the WLD 2020. However, we held a online Kahoot trivia game for everyone interested.
With the covid-19 pandemic, we were not able to hold a physical event for the celebration of the WLD 2020. However, we held a online Kahoot trivia game for everyone interested.
Public message